*yes, these frames in the back were not perfectly aligned
I’m learning! This is my internet home — an eclectic assortment of the different art, project and miscellaneous work I’ve done so far. I focus primarily on solution-driven thinking and iterative design, with frequent dabbles in art.
Notable work I’m proud of but no longer building: After By Tori, Mingle
Today, I’m focused on treasuring my past, living my present and meeting the future.
let’s chat
personal email: it.is.vliu@gmail.com
I wrote! Here and here:
Teen-Tinted Glass
2016. A series of vignettes on my high school self. Really, a pressure pot in words. Reading this exposes you to the high school brain*
2020. Published right after this year started rolling down a long and steep hill. These thoughts are gatherings from 2017 and on, meant to serve as a platform to understand our universal commonalities.